Sunday, January 23, 2011

Moving Back on Campus/ Other News

Yeah....I made the irrational decision to move back on campus, instead of ust looking for an apartment closer to my school. Next time I'll think more rationally, because now I will be required to live out of a microwave unless I adapt the raw food diet. The raw vegan diet seems like a better alternative to a microwave that damages important vitamins and nutrients. So, I'm looking into smoothies, fruit bars and the like. I can only hope that I have a nice roommate. Hopefully. My mom suggested buying apples, oranges and bananas and cutting them up and eating them, but I was trying to tell her that those are not the only inexpensive fruits sold in stores. I can always eat salads, sprouted seeds and beans, sprouted wheat berries and the usual alfalfa sprouts. Aside from eating those foods on the weekdays, I can eat vegan soy or rice yogurt on the weekends, if I'm allowed a rice cooker, then I can use it to make soups, rice, fillings for sandwiches, etc. I will keep a microwave just to heat up a few packaged meals or instant foods. In light of the new situation, a new food list (suggestion list that I usually make) will be added for the raw vegan and semi raw vegan diet (I'll be a semi raw vegan).

Other News

I was going to save this until I'm done with at least three sketches for drawing class, but I have to put in my commentary. Jack Lalanne has died today at the age of 96. For those who do not know him, he a fitness guru that came up with the Jack Lalanne juicer and he partially accredits juicing to his health and vitality. I usually don't look up to other vegetarians and vegans because I would expect them to be perfect and not fail, but I give him credit for at least trying to healthy eating and excercise out there. If I can really choose who inspired me to be vegan, I would say COK.Net, Upton Sinclaire and one of my mom's friends who was trying out veganism. This was aside from fasting due to poor body image when I was 18. Then again, I was and still am an anti-fat person.

A friend of mine posted a question on facebook. She asked if parents of severely obese children should have their kids taken away from them. I believe that the answer is yes, they should. If it's possible for a vegan parent to have their children taken away from them for prescribing that diet to them, then someone who stuffs his or her's child to oblivion with fats, sugars and simple carbs should have his or her's child taken away. I see it on Maury too many times aside from the DNA and lie detector tests. A parent is confronted by someone because the paren't child is obese. I understand the right to not miss a meal, but there is a need for moderation. Obesity should be seen for what it is: something that can be prevented and controlled. A child's quality of life will be diminished because obese children will have a hard time catching up with the other children. Later in life he would be a candidate for diebetes and heart disease and not to mention the social implications such as being bullied by other children due to weight. So, a parent who carelessly gives a child whatever he or she wants without advocating a whole healthy diet along with excercise is neglecting the child's health and wellbeing and the child deserves to be taken away. There were others who responded to her and disagree with taking children away for being obese. I think some opposition is due to having a Libertarian philosophy when it comes to raising children. I noticed the "I don't care as long as if it does not disrupt the social fabric" mentality in this city as well. I believe that it's the parents' responsibility to raise the children also. Maybe parenting classes can help as an alternative, but I would not rule out CPS in this case.

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