Saturday, February 26, 2011

Recipes for the "Extended" Winter

It did not decided to start snowing here until last week. I figure that eventually this place will be covered in snow. Grocery shopping in this weather can be difficult since I do not want to be stuck anywhere. I found some recipes that may be good enough to get rid of the winter blues.

Thai Green Curry Lentils I have pretty much all the ingredients except the chard and ginger. For the sake of not having the ingredients listed, some substitutions can be made. I don't want to spend too much money on food. I still want to/have to go to summer school. Next time I try this recipe, I will add kale and make this a variation of my kale lentil recipe.

Baha Tofu Tacos With Cilantro Coleslaw This is another recipe by a user from I think I'll make some substitutions for this recipe. There are some things that I can't find like the soy yogurt. I can marinade the tofu strips in a creamy homemade sauce, instead of coating in soy yogurt. A good side dish for these would be the taquila lime rice recipe (will be posted soon).

Berry Smoothie I'm one of those people who can eat alot of calories and still be rail thin. This is supposed to be a "filler" smoothie, for days that you don't want to eat. Being someone who likes to indulge and in some cases overindulge, I would add alcohol to this and serve it with the taco recipe above.

Tangy and Sweet Raspberry Vodka This is an alcoholic beverage for those who want sweetened hard liquor.

Cherry Velvet Limeade Mocktail For those who have vestal tastebuds.

I usually post recipes that I really like and try to make variations of them. When I get my own place (again) I will definately make these. For the second two recipes, I will feel bad being greedy and eating too many of them (I usually eat three vegan tacos, with a side of rice). I love my own cooking, so I'm confident that these will taste good.

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