Sunday, September 26, 2010

Although I Think Milk From Any Animal Is Disgusting Limiting Foods Should Be The Responsibility Of The Parent, Not School Or The Government

Article: Chocolate Milk Under Seige

Before I go off and study for a major philosophy midterm, I thought it would be nice to blog about something pertaining to food. Those who read this blog clearly know that milk is not vegan. It's vegetarian, but it's not vegan. For the sake of this blog, that's besides the point, well sort of.

Some schools decided that it was their responsibility to ban flavored milk because of the supposed sugar content. Milk overall is not the health food that everyone else makes it to be. It causes acne, gastro-intestinal problems, it actually impedes bone growth and health and the method of obtaining it is one of the cruellest in factory farming. In the mainstream diet, milk is essential. Americans love tradition, so to take anything away for the betterment of their health will cause an outcry.

Although milk is poison, I think it's the responsibility of the parent to determine what is good for their children, not the government. I think that if we keep letting the government tell us how to raise our children, then it tells us that we do not have the freedom to be parents.

I disagree with milk being good for the body. I don't see how something that is really meant for a calf be good for human consumption. Humans are the only animals on the planet that voluntarily drink another species pus for nourishment. Not to mention that milk consumption is not universial. I feel this way not just about cow milk, also goat milk, sheep milk and camel milk. There are some parts of the world that rely on dairy for human consumption such as most tribes in parts of East Africa, people from India, Europe, Mongolia and the Middle East. I don't think that these peoples consume dairy as much as the typical American who does not really know what's good for his or her body.

One of my biggest concerns about being vegan someday will be parenting. I'm scared that Child Protective Services will come knocking on my door just because I choose to feed my child food that I believe is healthy for him or her. I don't see them knocking on the door of parents who have obese children, why bother someone who is trying to be the best parent possible. I believe that parents who choose to give their children flavored milk is trying to give their children something that they feel is good for them, but it's flavored so the child would like it. Yeah, I'm not trying to be a devil behind a keyboard, but these kids will hit puberty before they go to middle school. They will also have higher rates of cancer, diabetes and heart disease later in life than someone who chooses to give their child a vegan or a low animal product vegetarian diet. It's still their decision to raise their kids the way they want. It's not the school's responsibility to raise the students. The schools in this country already have too many problems, why regulate someone else's child diet?

People want sources to prove that milk is bad for human consumption:

I'll be updating this post with more links and sources.

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